Ferrari Testarossa

TypFerrari Testarossa
First registered24.03.1987
Power287kW / 390PS
Odometer (read)51.383km

The body of the Ferrari Testarossa was designed by the Italian design studio and body construction company Pininfarina. The air flows past the doors to the rear to cool the engine through the openings in front of the rear tires. Not only does it look cool, it also ensures that the engine stays at a good temperature.

The sound and the acceleration of the 12-cylinder engine (4909ccm) provide goose bumps and a unique driving experience. This vehicle is also visually spectacular and in a very neat condition without any rust.

The Testarossa made many appearances in films and media. One of the most famous is probably the one in Miami Vice, where it is driven by detective James “Sonny” Crockett (Don Johnson). In addition to the famous appearances, many celebrities also had a Testarossa.

Since 2017 this vehicle has been a classic car with a valid H license plate in Germany.


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